Anti-Detect Browser

Increasing your success rate to 98% during CC, Paypal, Bank Carding

Carders are constantly looking for a new ways to avoid banks and e-commerce fraud detection systems. These security solutions are mostly relying on browser fingerprints, which is the data left by a computing device while interacting in the field of analyzing and comparing these data. AntiDetect Browser is one of the most prominent tools allowing you create a unique fingerprint to spoof the fraud detection system.

If you’ve been carding and it hasn’t worked than it’s because you haven’t been using Anti-detect, the use of anti-detect is guaranteed to improve your carding, Bank account jobs and PayPal Jobs success rate. This is a Must have software and selling at a cut rate price compared to the official price of $400 : I have used this myself and it has increased my carding success exponentially.

I am giving out the Anti-Detect for free so every carder (especially new carders) do not need to buy it, here is the download links:

  • Anti-Detect v5.0: Click here to download (Password to unzip is “bro101”)
  • Anti-Detect v5.2. Click here to download (Password to unzip is “bro102”)
  • Anti-Detect v6.5. Click here to download (Password to unzip is “bro103”)

NOTE: We recommend you to use 7-zip to extract the file in case you have any trouble extract it.

Well, you will wonder why I give out for free, so here is the trick, if you not sure how to use the Anti-Detect, I am selling my guide here for $5.00.

By Anti Darvinchi