
Officially launched in 2015, 69hour was founded by a group of Security Scientists who have been researching and examining various types of carding methods; discovering and developing the online money making techniques for over 10 years.

Our objectives are 1) provide legal services, resources and tools to anyone who like to learn what is carding; and 2) provide guidelines to anyone who like to earn money online.

DISCLAIMER: This site is meant for  educational purposes only, we (69hour)  do not responsible for your action with tools, products, services in this site.


69hour.com is built based on Blogger Blogging Platform – the reason behind simply because it is one of the most user-friendly, easy-sharing platforms. 69hour’s website’s support team a.k.a. 69hour fucker will acted as our customer support team to communicate to our clients.

  • Library: Collection of carding, phishing, scamming and spoofing methodologies, tutorials and guidelines in dark-net and clean-net.
  • Free Tools: Collection of useful tools for carder and frauder.
  • Products: Tools, guides, tutorials, ebook, and resources provided by our team and our partners.
  • Glossary: Terminologies used in carding, fraud and money-making industries

UPDATE: In February 2015, we found out there are too many phishing, threatening and spamming comments and we decide to turn on our comment moderation to protect our audience and to prevent the website get infected.


69hour is giving back

Since we are able to make our good living through various skills we have, our team think that it is our obligation to give something back to the community. Hence, we decided to give back 90% of the profit generated in darvinchi.com and using the leftover as our operating cost. We are active anonymous donors in following associations:

  1. American Cancer Society
  2. Breast Cancer Research Foundation
  3. Child Find of America
  4. Unbound
  5. Save the Children
  6. Asia Foundation
  7. ChildFund International
  8. World Vision
  9. National Alliance to End Homelessness
  10. International Rescue Committee
Cancer is the major public health problem we wish to be part of the big team to fight all kinds of cancers
Our future is depending on children and we want to try our best to give them hopes and opportunities to make their dream come true by providing them financial support through various reputed associations
Homelessness occurs when people or households are unable to acquire and/or maintain housing they can afford. We want to give these people a chance to have home again through providing job opportunities.
War, conflict and natural disaster inflict a terrible toll on children and the young. We want to save refugee families in crisis. By supporting the next generation we are helping to build healthy and productive societies in the future.


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